im itchy. my hair grow a little longer . im so feeling it. cant wait for it to grow longer-er. so i did practically nothing today. wake up around 10, took bath, do laundry wait for father to come home, watch re-runs from last time, download more movies, eat lunch, more tv, drink tea, read book and mother come home to bring me go dinner. i like my mother :)
thats about all that I DO THE ENTIRE DAY. SO BORING.
so now im missing ZAYYIDAH ZAIDI. shes my muse. haha like i need muse for anything.
online shopping is the way to go. so much interesting things. theres this shoes that i want its like studded gladiators sky-scrapper heels. its sooo purdyy. its rm 180 (excluding posting) BUT BUT its sold out. like seriously! i want it! i know i have this like spending issues that i spend on anything anytime no matter what people might say or no matter how i seriously know that i dont need them or i have the same thing but i just have to. its my guilty pleasure. its HABIT. i know i can stop it but its hard and i LIKE IT. LOVE IT actually even tho every month i would complaint of no money. heeee... addict. better than smoking(ok im not against it but i really think its bad)
so im out of ideas. taaa people